How do I download pictures from Google Maps?
With Listly Image Downloader, you can instantly download images or pictures from Google Maps in just a few clicks. It's an easy-to-use browser extension, so you can simply add it to Chrome and collect image data from any website you want. Keep on reading to see how it works!
1. Extract Google Maps results by clicking Listly Whole/Part
Click Listly's extension icon and click Listly Whole or Part to extract the results, highlighted in green – Since Google Maps allows you to load more data through infinite scrolling, you may want to scroll the page as much as you'd like before starting web scraping. You can download your data into either Excel or Google Sheets in the Result page, as shown in the image on the right.
2. Prepare the image URLs ready for download
Once you have the scraping results, which include the URLs for the respective service websites mentioned in this article, you can download your data into a spreadsheet. Click one of the URLs and repeat the scraping process from Step 1 by clicking on the specific image area you want to download. The goal of this repetition is to gather a list of image URLs embedded on each service page. Then, click +Group and paste the service page URLs you've downloaded in Step 1. Here, Listly will visit each page for you and automatically scrape a list of URLs pointing to images.
For more details about Group Extraction, check out Collect data from multiple web pages.
3. Import your Excel file into Listly Image Downloader
Click the 'Load URLs from Excel' button and import your file into Image Downloader. Here, you can choose options for image URLs and file names. With these options, you can easily match your image files with their names. You can also preview up to three images on this page, which provides information about the image resolution, file extension, and dimensions.
4. Download image files
Click 'Download' and check how easy it is to download online images and sort them out!