How do I use an Excel spreadsheet to download images?

01 Scrape a website with Listly

First off, scrape a website that contains images or pictures you want to download. With Listly, you can extract image URLs that point directly to images on your destination website in just a few clicks.

02 Check the image URLs in your downloaded Excel file

How to find the URLs: If you used Listly to scrape a website, each column will show you different types of data (e.g., Column A with web page addresses and Column B with image URLs). Click on one of the link and check if it opens an image file.

In the following example, the first column contains web page URLs and the second one contains image URLs, which may vary depending on the website you're scraping. It is recommended to rename the column label to something related to images.

03 Get your image URLs ready for download

Create a file name column to use if necessary. In this example, we combined texts from two columns (LABEL-3: Brand name / LABEL-4: Product name) for easier use. Check out the options for image file names and customize them!

◼︎ Note : Listly's algorithm automatically sets the first row as the header. Renaming the headers for image URLs and file names would make it much easier to use.