Collect data from multiple web pages

Who can use this feature?

  • All users who want to extract data from multiple sub-pages (a.k.a. child pages)
  • Available on Business Plan

A public web page means the one that is accessible to anyone. If you’re scraping multiple web pages that do not require a login, you may want to use Group Extraction. This feature allows you to extract data from multiple web pages at once by identifying website structures and patterns. With this feature, you can simplify your repetitive data collection workflow.

Scrape multiple web pages laid out sequentially

① Go to a website you want to scrape.

② Check out each web page has different URLs like /travel-destinations/{page_number_id}.

* If not, please see Pagination or contact the Listly team.

③ Click Listly Whole or Listly Part on a web page you want to scrape.

④ Select a tab that contains your data on the results page.

⑤ Click Group, copy and paste the URLs of all the web pages to scrape to the Add URL field.

⑥ Click Submit and wait a minute or so until your web scraping is complete.

Scrape multiple web pages under a parent page that has a hierarchy

① Go to a web page that you need to pass through before accessing subpages, or child pages.

* For more details about parent-child pages (or product listing and detail pages), please click here.

② Click Listly Whole on the web page that has multiple subpages.

③ Select Show Hyperlink and click Excel to download data on the results page.

④ Copy all subpage URLs.

⑤ Go back to one of the subpages and click Listly Whole or Listly Part.

⑥ Select a tab to extract data and click Group.

⑦ Paste all the subpage URLs to the Add URL field.

⑧ Click Submit and download data.