Q. What can I do if I forgot my password? Change / Reset PasswordGo to the login page and click Forgot Password. Once you enter your Listly’s account, you can reset your password via email.
Q. Why has my subscription not been activated? There are a few reasons for subscription failures:Insufficient funds in your debit or credit card, or your payment methodYour account being detected as abusive and temporarily suspendedPayment issues from your bankIf this is the case, you may w…
Q. How much do I pay for extra URLs? With the Pay As You Go add-on, you can purchase extra advanced feature URLs as needed. 100 URLs cost 10 USD (including tax) on the Light plan, and 1,000 URLs cost 10 USD on the Business plan. Please note that unused URLs do not roll over to the…
Q. I've exceeded my URL limit. What should I do? If you're on the Business plan and want to buy extra URLs, click on your account at the top right corner of the page, and click Billing Dashboard → Refill URLs. Here, you can top up the URLs for advanced features as much as you want (minim…
Q. What are Listly URLs and how do they work? The Listly URLs are the units used to measure the number of URLs for data extraction. If you're onFree Plan10 URLs for 1-page extraction will be provided per month. Any used URLs will be automatically replenished on a monthly basis. If you…
Q. How do I cancel my Business plan? Your Listly Business subscription will automatically renew until you cancel it. You can cancel your subscription anytime by going to your account page. Click "Unsubscribe", and that's it. Your account will now switch to the Free …
Q. Why did my subscription fail? Listly is a Seoul-based web scraping service, and some payment issues may occur by country/region. If this is the case, please feel free to contact the Listly team (hello@listly.io).
Q. How do I change my password? 1. Tap the drop-down menu associated with your email account and click Account Settings. 2. Click Change Password. 3. Enter your cur…
Q. Why was my account banned? To prevent those who purposefully create multiple accounts from abusing the service, Listly’s system automatically detects abusive behaviors. Your account may be banned if the system detected it as abusing the service. We highly recommend care…
Q. How do I delete my account? If you want to delete your account, log into your account and click Account Settings. Then, enter your current password and click Delete. Please note that you’ll not be able to create a new account using the same email.
Q. I can't verify my email address, and a 404 error appeared. What do I do? 404 Page Not Found is an HTTP code that indicates the server was unable to find what was requested. It may happen due to one of the following three reasons below:1) The URL or its content was either deleted or moved2) The URL was written incorr…
Q. How many devices can be used from a single Listly account at a time? Unfortunately, you can use your account on one device at one time. The Listly team is currently working to maximize your team's productivity with paid Listly plans.
Q. How do I request a refund? You can request a refund within 30 days from the date of the transaction only if none of the URLs has been used. The refund will be made to the payment method used at the time of the original payment. Please note that your refund request cannot…
Q. Which Listly Plan is best for me? Listly offers four subscription models: Free, Light, Business, and Enterprise. The Lite and Business plans are available on both a monthly and yearly basis, which gives users more flexibility. For more details, please see Listly's Pricing.…
Q. How do I get an invoice for my subscription? You can find your invoice in the Billing settings section. 1) Log into your account. 2) Go to your Dashboard and click on the Billing pane on the upper right corner. 3) Click on the right column and check out your invoice(s).
Q. Why am I not receiving emails from Listly? It may take a few days to answer troubleshooting questions. In the meantime, you can browse possible solutions if you want to learn more about the issue and how to troubleshoot.Listly provides knowledge-centered customer support by prepping for…
Q. How do I set a scheduler? With Listly Scheduler, you can extract data from any website at scheduled times. To set a scheduler, please follow the instructions:1. Click Listly Whole or Listly Part to scrape a website.2. Select a tab that contains the data you want.3. Clic…
Q. What's a proxy server and why does it matter? A proxy server acts on behalf of a user, and it's a computer system or a router that works as an intermediary between a server and a client. Setting up a proxy in a specific region or country will you to gain full access to the content whi…
Q. What is Folder Group Extraction and when do I use it? As part of Group Extraction, Folder Group Extraction allows you to collect web data from multiple pages that require a login. As you know, you can simply extract data from multiple public pages using Group Extraction, but private pages require …
Q. Do you disclose any information to outside parties? No, Listly does not provide or disclose personally identifiable information to any other third parties without your consent. We may release your information when we believe that release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site po…
Q. How long does Listly store personal information? We believe that your information belongs to you, and we do not store any information that is not related to the provided services, nor resell your information. We promise to delete any information associated with your account immediately upon a…
Q. Does Listly support other languages? Listly currently offers English, Korean, and Chinese. If you want to switch your language, select the language in the upper right corner.
Q. Why has my scheduler been removed? Listly periodically removes schedulers to prevent server overloads if it detects that you have no available credits. Please go check out your available credits first and then email us. You can request us to top up your credit to set up a schedu…
Q. Can I extract data from Instagram? There were a lot of questions about scraping Instagram followers or posts for marketing purposes. Yes, you can scrape data such as Instagram post URLs and comments, but we'd say that Instagram is one of the toughest service for scraping an…
Q. Can I download image files? Yes, you can download images with our new feature – Listly Image Downloader! With this feature, you can directly download images using Listly's browser extension for free (up to 50 on the Free plan). Otherwise, you can scrape image URLs, t…
Q. What do I do if I can’t find the data that I need? By default, Listly displays four taps (Top-4) that are highly likely to have the information you scraped from your target website. If any of them contains the data you need, click Top-30 and re-select the tab that includes the information you n…
Q. Can I collect real-time data? Unfortunately, the simple answer is No. That said, you can set up your web scraping task for a specific time and get a date at a scheduled time. You can also get email notifications once your data scraping is complete. Please note that this may…
Q. Does Listly offer a custom scraping service? Yes, we do offer a custom scraping service. You may want to check out Listly’s Action Script. For further information, pleas contact the Listly team.
Q. What should I do if my web scraping fails? Sometimes, simply clicking Refresh may work. Listly offers the Screenshot feature so that you can check out error messages with this automatic screenshot feature. It allows you to determine if the problem is specific to server settings, missing…
Q. Do I need to know how to code when I use Listly? No, you don’t need to learn anything about coding if you collect data with Listly. Listly’s users include professionals from programmers non-tech savvy professionals, including realtors, marketers, researchers, and fresh graduate students looki…
Q. How long can I use a trial? A free trial period starts once the Listly team upgrades your account upon user request. Please note that the Listly trial is time-limited, and you can try out our advanced, paid features for 3 days only. Trial periods can not be extended, and …
Q. Can I scrape data without an account? Yes, you can definitely scrape data without registration. Listly allows any users to convert 1 web page to 1 spreadsheet. However, if you want to access your web scraping history, you may want to sign up! Please note that the following features…
Q. What are parent/child pages? Why do they matter? What are parent and child pages?Knowing website structures can help you better understand what and how much data you’re scraping with Listly. Simply put, a parent page is a home page that has multiple child pages. Let’s say you’re collecting pr…
Q. What is group extraction and how does it work? Group extraction allows you to extract data from multiple web pages at once. With this feature, you can collect data without doing repetitive tasks since Listly looks for common patterns in data and groups them together available for download. …
Q. Can I get real-time data? (Bitcoin, stock price fluctuations, etc.) Unfortunately, it is not hard to get real-time data that change every minute and second. You may want to create a scheduled task for scraping a website at a scheduled time, but it is also not available for collecting ever-changing data, such as…
Q. How does extraction speed affect results? You can check out the extraction speed in the bar design (blue) to the top right. If you increase the speed, you can extract data at high speed. That said, your target website will be hig…
Q. What are the advantages of using an individual proxy server? You can not only request an individual proxy server but use the servers provided by Listly. If you buy a proxy server for your use only, you will be much more likely to extract data from a website without getting blocked. Some of our users buy …
Q. How do I buy a proxy server for individual use? You can request an individual proxy server by contacting us directly. The Listly team will provide a server and a payment link once you select a price range and a region.
Q. My scraping data from websites outside my country keeps failing. What do I do? Have you set up a proxy server? It depends on the websites, but you may want to check out Add Settings on your Databoard and add a proxy server from a different country. Once you configure the settings, lower the extraction speed by one or two …
Q. Can I get support via phone or video call? We offer domestic and international customer services via email. As most of them are related to technical issues, we’ll have no choice but to raise plan prices if the Listly support team spends more time troubleshooting via phone or video calls…
Q. Can I use the Free plan for a business? Yes, the Free plan is available for both individuals and businesses. However, you may need as many licenses (plans) as concurrent users if you want to use the Business plan for business purposes.
Q. What is Action Script? Listly offers the Action Script service that allows you to do various mouse click and keyboard actions on behalf of you. You can add your custom code to the Action Script field (Add Settings → Action Script) and automate repetitive actions with…
Q. How to enable the Auto Login feature Auto LoginPlease note that this is an experimental feature for beta testing.
Q. Is Listly API free? The Listly API is available to users who are on Listly Business plan. For more details, please see the Pricing page!
Q. What is Listly API used for? The Listly API is an interface for creating your database or connecting to Google Sheets without any extra code.
Q. What is HTML Fileboard? If you have the HTML source code of a web page, you can upload your file(s) and fetch data right away!
Q. Is web scraping legal? Web scraping, or web crawling, is legal if you scrape data publicly available. However, it is not legal if you scrape confidential data for profit, such as personally identified information and copyrighted data, and we do not recommend collecti…
Q. What are HTTP Headers? HTTP headers are used to manipulate additional information during HTTP requests or responses to help your web scraping avoid from getting blocked.
Q. Can I use Listly for free? Absolutely! Listly is free to use with the Free plan. You can upgrade to a paid plan, such as Light or Business, if you need more URLs to scrape and want to use advanced features: group extraction, auto-scroll & auto-click, extraction speed…
Q. What can I do if an "Invalid URL Included" error occurs? Have you ever encountered this error message before? This error happens when a network protocol is missing before a website URL. It is an inherent, very first part of a web address (before…
Q. How do I apply Group Extraction when using ActionScript? ActionScript is useful when scraping specific elements that require mouse or keyboard actions to load more data on a website, as shown below. If you are curious about how to use both the ActionScript and Group Extraction features in Listly, ple…
Q. [Parts] Can I scrape a website for multiple values? Sure, check out our new feature, Parts!Listly’s Part used to allow users to select and scrape a specific part of a website, and not it's been updated to Parts. As its name implies, this feature allows you to select multiple sections of a w…
Q. My destination website has a few pages of different HTML structures. Can I collect them all using Group Extraction? Yes, you can scrape a website that has different web elements by using Parts and Group Extraction. Say, your destination website includes different types of web pages as in the image above. The fi…
Q. [Parts] What's the difference between Plain Text and Default? In brief, you can use the Plain Text option when extracting the text from a website, such as the text content in news articles or posts. It will be helpful when scraping text pages regularly or data from websites that do not allow you to copy a…
Q. [Parts] How do I deselect or remove unnecessary items from the preview pane? When you click the element(s) 2 or 3 times to scrape data using Tabs, the Listly tool will automatically pick up a pattern in what you have clicked. There may be cases where unnecessary elements are selected; if this is the case, you could chan…
Q. How do Action Templates work? Action Templates is a feature that can simulate mouse clicks or keyboard events, meaning that it helps you automate interacting with the HTML document such as mouse/keyboard events, once setup is complete. Why do they matter?First thing…
Q. What does the highlighted tab card mean? The highlight feature has been newly launched for user convenience! When scraping data using Whole, some tabs (or patterns) you'll want to see will be highlighted in green, as in the image below. In cases where data is stored or displayed …
Q. I accidentally deleted my Groups. How do I recover the deleted list of groups? Unfortunately, the Listly team does not store data in the local storage to maintain our user privacy and data security. Deleting a group is permanent, so please proceed with care when deleting the CSS selector or any other settings. For further…
Q. Hyperlinks are not working, just showing no_link There may be some cases where hyperlinks are not visible on a website and are marked as no_link in Excel, as shown in the screenshot below. This is because your destination website — intentionally or unintentionally — hide where the links point…
Q. [Notice] Proxy server price change Hello,Starting March 11, 2024, we are increasing the price of Proxy so we can continue to bring you uninterrupted access to proxy servers that you can enjoy the seamless data collection experience. The price of Proxy will change from $50/month …
Q. My account gets logged out automatically after login If you have trouble getting logged out automatically, you may want to double-check if your account was logged in from another browser/machine. As per policy, Listly prevents two or more sessions with the same account from one user.As it require…
Q. How do I fix download errors? If you encountered an error message saying "Error. Cannot download data." you could fix it by redoing your scraping such that each group has fewer URLs than you added at the beginning. It happens because there are too many data cards …
Q. How do I bypass CAPTCHAs while web scraping? There are several ways to avoid CAPTCHAs when scraping web data.Use paid CAPTCHA-solving services. This is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to deal with CAPTCHAs, and there are actually many options you can take because many CAPTCHA so…
Q. What is the difference between a proxy and a VPN? Proxies and VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) have something in common in that they serve as intermediaries in your internet connection, rerouting your traffic and changing your IP address. However, they're different in how they operate and …
Q. Basic Feature / Tabs / Advanced Feature URLs Basic Feature URLsWho can use this feature?All usersUsed for 1-page data extractions using the Basic tab1 URL is deducted for 1-page extraction10 URLs are provided per month Tabs URLsWho can use this feature?Users on a paid plan (Light…
Q. [Important Notice] Upcoming Changes to Subscription Models Important Updates and ChangesOver the past years, we’ve offered various new features on the Free plan to help the user easily collect data. Given the server overload due to the improper duplicate account issues on the Free plan, however, we’re …
Q. Understanding the Light Plan Basic feature URLsUnlimited 1-page data extraction is available with the Basic tab Advanced feature URLs and Pay As You Go URLs100 Advanced feature URLs are provided per month, which can be used for TabsOn the Light plan, you can buy ex…
Q. Understanding the Free Plan Listly's Free Plan is a free subscription model for data extraction, perfect for those looking to scrape data for free, with no credit card information required.Basic Feature URLs vs. Advanced Feature URLs URL usageOn the free vers…
Q. Can I get a refund for my unused annual plan? We issue a refund for annual subscriptions; if you cancel your annual plan, you'll receive a prorated refund for any unused time. Please note that you may not be eligible for a refund ifThere were more than 10 data extraction or download a…
Q. I want to cancel my subscription. What should I do? Cancel your monthly planTo cancel or downgrade your monthly plan, click your Listly account, then click on Billing Dashboard > Unsubscribe. The downgrade will not go into effect until the end of the paid period. For instance, if on May 22 yo…
Q. [Update] Changes for the Free plan Starting May 22, 2024, we're making some changes to our subscription models, including the Free plan.View previous notice: [Important Notice] Upcoming Changes to Subscription ModelsChanges for the Free plan10 URLs for basic features are pr…
Q. What kind of proxy should I use? If you're unsure which proxy works best for you and want to learn more about our proxy service, you're in the right place!Types of proxies and prices Datacenter proxy - assigns a client a random IP address from its pool that belongs t…
Q. Can I web scrape product data from Amazon? Yes, you can pull a list of items from Amazon into either Excel or Google Sheets using Listly!Who can use this feature?Available on Listly Business 1. Go to your destination page, which displays data within a single page and allows you …
Q. What is Listly Referral Program and how does it work? Listly Referral Program allows free plan users to invite friends and get rewarded.Who's eligible?Anyone on the Free plan is eligible for Listly's referral program! Listly's referral program works as follows.1. Refer a fri…
Q. Is it possible to pull data from Instagram without login? Yes, it is possible to extract data from Instagram, including posts, comments, hashtags, and more. However, it is important to note that any data extraction should be conducted ethically and in compliance with Instagram's policies.Instagra…
Q. How can I scrape a website that requires two-factor authentication? Some websites require two-factor authentication (e.g., a one-time code via text message, push-app notification, etc.) for security. If you're trying to scrape such a website, it is highly recommended to log in and use the Tabs feature, as …
Q. How do I disable my proxy server? You can cancel your proxy (Datacenter, ISP, Residential, Mobile) subscription by emailing the Listly team at hello@listly.io up to 24 hours before your next scheduled payment to avoid further charges. As Listly buys proxy servers from proxy ser…
Q. How to download images – image downloader extension With Listly's image downloader extension, you can directly download images by image URL in Listly. Check out Listly's Chrome extension for free download & trial and the Extract images from any website article for more details abou…
Q. How to troubleshoot web scraping errors – Part Selection Error The Part Selection Error occurs when you attempt to scrape a specific part of a website using Parts and repeat this scraping task across multiple pages. This error may be caused by one or more reasons, such as(1) Incorrect Part selection(2) Une…
Q. Image URLs don't work for downloading images. What should I do? How to solveIf you're unable to download images using image URLs in Listly Image Downloader, please check whether the URLs point directly to the images. You can check this out by copying one of the URLs and pasting it into your browser to …
Q. What makes Listly Image Downloader different? Listly Image Downloader allows users to directly and instantly download images and pictures using URLs extracted through our service. The biggest benefit is that users are able to download images in the order they are listed on a website and cu…
Q. How do I use an Excel spreadsheet to download images? 01 Scrape a website with ListlyFirst off, scrape a website that contains images or pictures you want to download. With Listly, you can extract image URLs that point directly to images on your destination website in just a few clicks. …
Q. Is there any other way to download images without using Excel? Yes, you can simply copy and paste URLs when downloading images without using Excel, since users on any plan can access the image URL field. However, please note that the option to customize file names is available only on Light and Business. …
Q. What are the differences among the file name options? Listly Image Downloader offers various options for file names as follows: Original name: The original names embedded in the image URLsFrom Excel: Column data specifically selected from the…
Q. I've downloaded fewer images than the number of image URLs I entered. What should I do? If you've downloaded fewer images than the number of image URLs you entered, it's likely due to duplicate file names. How to solve1. …
Q. How to scrape eBay Motors – car listings, parts, and product data If you're looking for how to scrape product data from eBay Motors, keep reading on! In this article, you can find information about how to collect product data, such as item specifics and prices, and sellers using an easy-to-use web scrapi…
Q. How do I download pictures from Google Maps? With Listly Image Downloader, you can instantly download images or pictures from Google Maps in just a few clicks. It's an easy-to-use browser extension, so you can simply add it to Chrome and collect image data from any website you want. …
Q. How do I scrape YouTube comments? You can easily scrape comments data from YouTube using Listly's extension. If you're on the Free Plan, you might want to scroll down the page all the way to the bottom and start scraping, which will help you load and scrape more comme…
Q. What to do if there's ConnectionError message? ConnectionError − This error message may appear when your network connection is lost or very slow. You might also see it if the webpage has blocked Listly's IP address.How to fix ConnectionErrorIf the website is down, you'll need to w…
Q. Will I be charged after my yearly plan expires? No, your yearly plan will not auto-renew. To continue using our service, you'll need to re-subscribe after your current plan expires.
Q. How do I open multiple browser tabs when using Listly Tabs? Tabs can be useful if your IP is blocked or the destination website doesn't allow auto-login, but you still want to manually scrape data from multiple pages. Learn more about how to open multiple tabs when using Listly Tabs! …