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Get more data
with Listly
where web scraping is as easy as making a list.

Say goodbye to boring copy-and-paste.
Meet Listly, the easy-to-use web scraping extension.

Data collection
made easier than ever
For All Users
Specific parts of data
For All Users
Specific parts of data
Click specific parts of the data you want to scrape
and export them into a single spreadsheet with
Parts, which helps you get accurate data.
Available on Light Plan
Repeating pattern data
Available on Light Plan
Repeating pattern data
Easily extract data from open browser tabs with
Tabs. Listly’s scraping algorithms automatically
detect repeating data patterns and help you pull
data from multiple browser tabs immediately.
Available on Business Plan
Grouped data
Available on Business Plan
Grouped data
Enter the URLs of multiple web pages to scrape all
at once. By grouping related information together,
get large amounts of structured data at your
fingertips in minutes with Group Extraction.
but powerful

Advanced features for custom web scraping

Proxy Server
Parallel Extraction
Start Timer
Auto Login
Auto Scroll
Auto Save
Auto Click
HTML Fileboard
API Integration

Take your data collection to the next level

for organizations across industries and geographies

Collect Contacts

for Sales Representatives

Collect Product Details

for E-commerce

Consolidate Review Process

for CRM Managers

Monitor Ad Performance

for Marketers

Compare Candidate Profiles

for HR Recruiters

Export Internal Data

for Executive Assistants

Track Search Results

for SEO Experts

Follow Ranking Charts

for Media Analysts

Discover Market Trends

for Realtors

Identify Financial Indicators

for Investors

Track Brand Reputation

for PR Agents

Obtain Performance Data

for Sports Statisticians

What our customers are saying

From small teams to organizations across industries

Listly is trusted by

202K+ users worldwide
Queries from the world
URL Extractions

Better for developers

Developers go through a lot of pain and sleepless nights to get reliable data. Listly helps streamline their data collection with just one click, providing you with advanced web scraping technology. Enjoy effortless data collection to always stay up to date.

Best for non-developers

Non-technical professionals from retailers to marketers to analysts and researchers still tediously collect data. Listly streamlines the process with a single click, saving you hours of manual copying and pasting while ensuring your data remains organized. With Listly's easy-to-use web scraping tool, you can export data directly to a spreadsheet in seconds, making your work easier and more efficient.


Maximize your productivity

Accessible, structured data at your fingertips